Arbor 3.6.2 release

Asset Store

Update contents


Arbor Editor

  • Fixed the bug that an exception occurs at the start of play when restarting the UnityEditor by displaying another tab in the same pane with the prefab graph selected.

Update procedure

Please follow the procedure below when updating Arbor.

  1. Please be sure to make a backup of the project before the update.
  2. If you are opening an existing scene, create a new scene from “File / New Scene” in the menu.
  3. If you are opening the Arbor Editor window, close it once.
  4. Already Removed Arbor folder that have been imported.
  5. Import a new version of Arbor.

Update Guide

When updating from Arbor 3.5.x to 3.6.0 or later, compilation errors may occur.

Please correct the following.

Change the reference type of FlexibleGameObject, FlexibleComponent

I changed to FlexibleSceneObjectType where I used FlexibleType.

Make sure that the following code is written in your script, and correct it.

//flexible.type == FlexibleType.Constant          // Error
flexible.type == FlexibleSceneObjectType.Constant // Fix this way.

Corrected assembly name of Arbor.BuiltInBehaviours.asmdef

Fixed typographical error in assembly name.

If you have defined your own asmdef that refers to Arbor.BuiltInBehaviours.asmdef, please modify the name to Arbor.BuiltInBehaviours.
If Use GUIDs is enabled in Unity 2019.1 or later, this is not necessary because it is not a reference by name.

Also, along with this correction, you may receive an error that the asmdef can not be found only once immediately after the update, but there is no problem in operation.