Arbor 3.10.3 Release Note
Asset Store Update contents Fixed Built in Component AgentController : Fixed a bug where a NullReferenceExcept
Asset Store Update contents Fixed Built in Component AgentController : Fixed a bug where a NullReferenceExcept
Asset Store Update contents Fixed Compatible with Unity6000.0b16 Fixed a bug that caused the display position
The price of “Arbor 3: FSM & BT Graph Editor” sold on the Unity Asset Store will be revised as
Asset Store Update contents Fixed Behaviour Tree Fixed a bug where the status remained playing even after exec
Asset Store Update contents Added Built in CompositeBehaviour Added ParallelSelector Added ParallelSequencer S
Asset Store Update contents Added Built in Component AgentController : Added parameters “Sample Position
Sale has ended “New Year Sale” is held on the Unity Asset Store. Arbor 3: FSM & BT Graph Editor will also
Asset Store Update contents Fixed ObjectPool Fixed a bug where the subgraph would not transition correctly whe
Sale has ended “$20 Asset Sale” is being held at Unity Asset Store. Arbor 3: FSM & BT Graph Editor will al
Asset Store Update contents Fixed Unity support Fixed a bug where horizontal scrolling using Shift + mouse whe