Arbor 3.0.2p2 release

Updated content


  • ArborFSM
    • Fixed that NullReferenceException occurs when doing RemoveComponent of ArborFSM in Unity 2018.1 or later.
  • BehaviourTree
    • Fixed that NullReferenceException occurs when doing RemoveComponent of BehaviourTree in Unity 2018.1 or later.


“Patch 3.0.2p2” をダウンロード

Arbor3.0.2p2.unitypackage – 1384 回のダウンロード – 30.23 KB

Update procedure

  • Please update If you have not updated to Arbor 3.0.2.
  • Click on the Assets / Import Package / Custom Package… of menu,
    Please import the Arbor3.0.2p2.unitypackage that has been downloaded.