An archive of past version defects.
If there is a recurrence, please report it to the Bug Report Forum.
Arbor 3.8.6
If you specify a List type parameter as an argument of SubStateMachine and pass a value, an exception will occur at runtime.
Status: Fixed in Arbor 3.8.7
Reproduction method
- Added SubStateMachine inside ArborFSM
- Added List type (eg IntList) to parameters in SubStateMachine
- Create the same List type in the parent ArborFSM parameter
- Call SubStateMachine with the created List type as an argument
- At runtime, ParameterTypeMismatchException: It can not be assigned because the parameter type is different.
Temporary remedy
- Open Assets/Plugins/Arbor/BuiltInBehaviours/Scripts/Common/GraphArgumentList.cs
- Changed line 283 as follows.
parameter.value = value;
[Unity 2021.2 or later] The graph display area shifts when zooming the graph.
Status: Fixed in Arbor 3.8.7
- The grid at the top left of the graph is broken.
- The display position of the rectangular selection of nodes when dragging the mouse is shifted.
- The blue frame in scroll mode shifts its display position when dragging.
- Nodes on the left side or near the top of the graph panel frame will be hidden.
- etc.
Reproduction method
- Create an ArborFSM
- Create a few states, etc.
- Shrink the graph with the mouse wheel
Reproduction Unity version
- Unity2021.2.0f1
No reproduction Unity version
- Unity2021.1.27f1
Temporary remedy
- Open Assets/Plugins/Arbor/Internal/Editor/Windows/ArborEditorWindow.cs
- Add the following code between lines 3099 and 3100.
#if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER = new TransformOrigin(0f, 0f, 0f); #endif