Known Issues(3.8.4)

An archive of past version defects.

If there is a recurrence, please report it to the Bug Report Forum.

Arbor 3.8.4

Variable components inside the graph are not destroyed when SubStateMachine is removed

Status: Fixed in Arbor 3.8.5

Temporary remedy:

  1. Open Assets/Plugins/Arbor/Internal/Scripts/NodeGraph.cs
  2. Change line 2927 as follows.

If a type other than Component is specified in ComponentList of ParameterContainer, an exception will occur when adding an element.

Status: Fixed in Arbor 3.8.5

Temporary remedy:

  1. Open Assets/Plugins/Arbor/Internal/Scripts/Parameter/ListParameter/ObjectListParameterBase.cs
  2. Change line 2927 as follows.
    T value = list[i] as T;
    if (value == null) // Invalid object
    	value = null;
    accessor.AddElement(listInstance, DynamicUtility.Cast(value, valueType), ListInstanceType.Keep);

The value display of the data connection line is treated as color regardless of the type.

Status: Fixed in Arbor 3.8.5

Temporary remedy:

  1. Open Assets/Plugins/Arbor/Internal/Editor/GraphEditors/NodeGraphEditor.cs.
  2. Change line 1705 as follows.
    if (valueType == typeof(Color) && valueSlot.TryGetValue<Color>(out color))

[Unity 2020.2 or later] Exception occurs when using ParameterContainer’s parameter search function.

  • Status:
    Fixed in Arbor 3.8.5
  • Memo:
    In Unity 2020.2 or later, an exception is raised when “ReorderableList.serializedProperty = null;” is used to switch to ReorderableList.list, so it is most likely a bug on the Unity side.

Temporary remedy:

  1. Open Assets/Plugins/Arbor/Internal/Editor/Parameter/ParameterContainerInternalInspector.cs
  2. Add the following code around line 72.
    ReorderableListEx _SearchParametersList;
  3. Add the following code around line 136 (in the “get” parameterList property).
    int[] activeElements = this.activeElements;
    if (activeElements != null)
    	if (_SearchParametersList == null)
    		_SearchParametersList = new ReorderableListEx(activeElements, typeof(int), false, false, false, false)
    			headerHeight = 0f,
    			footerHeight = 0f,
    			elementHeightCallback = GetElementHeight,
    			drawElementCallback = DrawElement,
    	return _SearchParametersList;
  4. Change line 498 as follows.
    float verticalSpacing = Mathf.Floor((parameterList.elementHeight - EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight) * 0.5f) - 2f;
  5. Change (comment out) line 1115 as follows.
    //parameterList.serializedProperty = null;