Known Issues(3.6.8)

An archive of past version defects.

If there is a recurrence, please report it to the Bug Report Forum.

Arbor 3.6.8

If the InvokeMethod type selection popup is displayed after the compilation of the script has started, NullReferenceException after the compilation is completed

The bug that the list is not updated on the type selection pop-up side and an exception occurs.

  • Status: Fixed in Arbor 3.6.9.

[Unity2019.3] Skin breaks in AddBehaviour menu

The skin is different from the AddComponent menu of Inspector, and the display background of the title name is broken.

  • Status: Fixed in Arbor 3.6.9.

ArborFSM or BehaviorTree cannot be applied properly via preset

A bug that ArborFSM, BehaviorTree, and ParameterContainer are registered in each preset and do not work properly even if they are applied to other components.
Strictly according to Unity specifications, presets store only the data of one component, so if multiple components are linked internally, some references will be cut off.

  • Status: Unsupported components are being removed from presets. Will be supported in Arbor 3.7.0.

Connection slot is not displayed when StateLink or DataSlot is in the type referenced by SerializeReference

When the type referenced by using SerializeReference added in Unity 2019.3 has a special slot field for Arbor, it is not enumerated correctly and the connection slot is not displayed.
Not implemented as of 3.6.8, and SerializeReference cannot be used for Arbor-specific system-related fields.

  • Status: A bug was found on the Unity side, so we’re waiting to fix it.