Arbor 3.10.4 Release Note

Asset Store

Update contents


Compatible with Unity6000.0.11f1 or later

  • Fixed warning due to Rigidbody2D.velocity being renamed to Rigidbody2D.linearVelocity
  • Fixed warning due to Rigidbody2D.drag being renamed to Rigidbody2D.linearDamping
  • Fixed warning due to Rigidbody2D.angularDrag being renamed to Rigidbody2D.angularDamping

Update Guide

Update procedure

Please follow the procedure below when updating Arbor.

  1. Please be sure to make a backup of the project before the update.
  2. If you are opening an existing scene, create a new scene from “File / New Scene” in the menu.
  3. If you are opening the Arbor Editor window, close it once.
  4. Already Removed Arbor folder that have been imported.
  5. Import a new version of Arbor.

Version update guide

Please refer to the following page for the update guide for each version of Arbor.

Manual : Update Guide

If the download fails

In rare cases, downloads may not work properly during updates.

Please try deleting the downloaded package and then re-downloading it using the steps below.

  1. Open a filer (Explorer or Finder).
  2. Go to the following path
    • Windows: %APPDATA%\Unity\Asset Store-5.x\cait sith ware\Editor ExtensionsVisual Scripting\
    • Mac: ~/Library/Unity/Asset Store-5.x/cait sith ware/Editor ExtensionsVisual Scripting/
    • The publisher name may be caitsithware without spaces.
  3. Delete Arbor 3 FSM BT Graph Editor.unitypackage.