Arbor 3.9.5 Release Note

Asset Store

Known Issues

Unity Bug

Since Unity 2022.1, an exception occurs when the language of Arbor Editor is set to Japanese.

Please set the language setting to English until the Unity side is fixed.

Bug reported to Unity.

Update contents


Arbor Editor

  • Implemented the opposite behavior for “Mouse Wheel Mode” setting when using Ctrl + mouse wheel (Command + mouse wheel on Mac).
  • Added support for horizontal scrolling with Shift + mouse wheel on Windows.
  • Improved the behavior of maintaining the scroll position and zoom value of the graph until Unity is closed.
  • Changed the display width of node comments to automatically adjust to the width of the comment text.
  • Improved the profiler measurement when playing in the graph view to minimize the impact of editor processing.

Welcome Window

  • Changed the setting for automatically opening the welcome window. (Welcome Window)


  • Calculator: Improved the event parameter subscription to only subscribe to parameters that were actually used during OnCalculate.


Arbor Editor

  • Fixed an issue where the displayed graph in the graph view did not change when switching to a new external graph that was referenced as a subgraph.
  • Fixed an issue where the drag target would shift when performing automatic scrolling while dragging with a changed zoom level.

Update Guide

Update procedure

Please follow the procedure below when updating Arbor.

  1. Please be sure to make a backup of the project before the update.
  2. If you are opening an existing scene, create a new scene from “File / New Scene” in the menu.
  3. If you are opening the Arbor Editor window, close it once.
  4. Already Removed Arbor folder that have been imported.
  5. Import a new version of Arbor.

Version update guide

Please refer to the following page for the update guide for each version of Arbor.

Manual : Update Guide