Known Issues(3.7.2)

An archive of past version defects.

If there is a recurrence, please report it to the Bug Report Forum.

Arbor 3.7.2

An exception occurs when there are multiple source files that are partial and have the same name as the class name.

A bug that an exception occurs when opening Arbor Editor when there are multiple source files (file names match classmates for each folder) that define classes divided by partial.

Status: Fixed in 3.7.3

Related bug: When partial NodeBehaviour is defined in multiple files with the same name, we also confirmed the bug that multiple registrations are made in the behavior selection window.

Provisional measures

  • Open Assets/Plugins/Arbor/Internal/Editor/Icons.cs
  • Add the following code around line 151 (just before s_TypeIcons.Add).
    if (s_TypeIcons.ContainsKey(classType)) continue;

InvokeMethod cannot be called by a member of a class that does not inherit the UnityEngine.Object type

A bug that member call is not performed when the target type to be called from InvokeMethod is a class that does not inherit from UnityEngine.Object type.
Confirm that Events / GetValue of the calculator node cannot be called in the same way.

Status: Fixed in 3.7.3

Provisional measures

  • Open Assets/Plugins/Arbor/Internal/Scripts/Eventts/PersistentCall.cs
  • Change the if statement around line 358 as follows.
    if (TypeUtility.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Object), targetType) && targetObject == null)
  • Open Assets/Plugins/Arbor/Internal/Scripts/Eventts/PersistentGetValue.cs
  • Change the if statement around the 161st line as follows.
    if (TypeUtility.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Object), targetType) && targetObject == null)