Arbor 2.0.6 release

Updated content

  • Arbor Editor
    • Fix : Fixes the Undo / Redo when deleting a node.
    • Fix : Fixes the Undo / Redo when deleting a StateBehaviour.

Asset Store

Update procedure

Please follow the procedure below when updating Arbor.

  1. Please be sure to make a backup of the project before the update.
  2. If you are opening an existing scene, create a new scene from “File / New Scene” in the menu.
  3. Already Removed Arbor folder that have been imported.
  4. Import a new version of Arbor.


This update reflects 2.0.5p1 in the asset store.
As 2.0.5p2 and 2.0.5p3 contents are not included, those who imported patches should import again after updating.

Arbor2.0.5p2 release

Arbor2.0.5p3 release